Tears For Rahul Dutta by Gaurav Monga

A surreal, existential and dreamlike story cycle, following the life of the mysterious Rahul Dutta.

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About the author

Gaurav Monga is a prose poet born in New Delhi, currently living in Basel, Switzerland. He learned German to read Kafka and is inspired by writers like Nikolai Gogol, Daniil Kharms, Walter Benjamin and Robert Walser. Some of his  work can be read at Birkensnake, Zero Ducats, Philistine Press, Juked, Spurl Editions, Sein und Werden. Excerpts from his forthcoming book, Ruins, published by Desirepath Publishers can be read in Hardly Doughnuts and is forthcoming in the Fabulist and in the Baroda Pamphlet. He has taught Creative Writing, Literature & Theater at schools and universities across South Asia, and currently studies Jewish studies and East European Cultures at the University of Basel.