Isotropes: A Collection of Speculative Haibun by TJ McIntyre

TJ McIntyre’s stunning collection of haibun packs a library full of ideas into a compact space. With genres ranging from sci-fi to fairytale to realism, Isotropes is as unclassifiable as it is brilliant. 

(Haibun: a literary composition that combines prose and haiku.)

Download in various ebook formats from Smashwords, Feedbooks, ISSUUKobo, iTunes or Barnes and Noble


About the author

T.J. McIntyre has seen his short fiction and poetry published in numerous publications. He is a member of various writing organizations, including the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA), and serves as a moderator for the Lobo Luna  and Western Writers writing communities on LiveJournal. Until last year, he published Southern Fried Weirdness, an anthology and web zine celebrating speculative fiction and poetry with a Southern perspective. He lives in a busy household in the muggy heart of rural Alabama with his wife, two young sons, an aging Doberman mix, five tiger barbs, and three salt-and-pepper catfish.

He enjoys hearing from readers and can be reached at

TJ's website

